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From overwhelmed to optimised:
Conveyonline's journey with Curia Contract Review 

Conveyonline, founded in 2014 by Principal & Licensee Christie Murphy, is a conveyancing firm providing flexible and convenient services to clients without the need for office visits. Operating solely online, Conveyonline offers an all-inclusive fixed fee pricing structure, making it an affordable and quality solution for hundreds of clients each year. With a huge number of 5-star reviews, Conveyonline is highly regarded in the industry.

The challenge

As Conveyonline's client base grew, the firm faced increasing challenges with contract review volume and unpredictable timing of review requests. The company was struggling to keep up with demand whilst maintaining high standards of service and clocking off before midnight. Engaging additional conveyancers to support their needs was difficult due to limited availability and the need to double check results for consistency and quality.

Your Move Conveyancing website screenshot
The solution

After being referred by an existing Curia user who recognised Conveyonline's challenges, Christie decided to explore Curia Contract Review. A one-on-one demo led to a free trial period which promised to streamline the contract review process and improve efficiency. During the trial Conveyonline staff could explore Curia Contract Review and work with their existing templates to generate customer reports. Impressed by the results, Christie decided to fully implement Curia into Conveyonline's operations.

The implementation

The transition to Curia took a total of two weeks, with a hands-on training session and report planning discussions to ensure the customer report matched the Conveyonline branding and voice formatting. Curia handled all aspects of integration and report generation. After implementation a few small process challenges were overcome through software modifications, discussions and further training. The support provided by Curia during onboarding and ongoing use was "amazing", helping Conveyonline to quickly overcome these hurdles.

The results
Significant time savings
Before implementing Curia Contract Review, Conveyonline spent an average of 60 minutes on a single contract review. With Curia Contract Review, this time has been reduced to just 25 minutes - a remarkable 58% reduction in review time.

Improved workflow efficiency
The data extraction and AI suggestion features have significantly improved Conveyonline's workflow efficiency. The team reports a substantial positive impact on their operations, allowing them to handle more contracts with less manual data entry and greater consistency.

Enhanced report quality
Curia Contract Review has enabled Conveyonline to offer more individualised and nuanced data tailored to specific cases without the need to continually edit reports by hand. Christie's favourite feature is the content library, allowing quick access to all firm clauses and ensuring consistency across reports.

Cost savings
Conveyonline is experiencing significant cost savings since implementing Curia Contract Review, contributing to the overall efficiency and profitability of the business.
Looking ahead

As Conveyonline continues to grow and serve more clients, Curia Contract Review remains an integral part of their operations, enabling them to maintain their commitment to providing flexible, convenient, and high-quality conveyancing services. Christie is a big advocate of Curia and is spending the time saved in the contract review process with her family.

Unlock your potential

Book a demo to see how Curia Contact Review can boost speed, accuracy and consistency.